Theft investigation
The Russian division of a company (a manufacturer of medical products, the absolute leader in its market segment) has introduced a new inventory scheme in the warehouse. As a result, theft of finished products was revealed in the amount of about 10,000,000 rubles (130,000 USD).
Challenge / Opportunity
The company suspected one of the company's employees of stealing. In addition, it was clear that there was collusion between employees at several levels within the company.
Initially the idea of introducing a new inventory format was met with negative response on the part of the security management, despite the fact that the old scheme had obvious vulnerabilities.
Thus, the company could not connect internal resources for the investigation due to the risk of information leakage and the potential unreliability of those employees who will be assigned the task.
However, direct monthly damage to the company from theft from the warehouse was estimated at 500-600 thousand rubles, so the situation required an immediate solution.
Based on the indicated introductory notes, Vlasta-Consulting was involved in the comprehensive evidence collection and its subsequent transfer to the police.
Due to the significant damage caused to the company by the criminal activities of its employees, Vlasta-Consulting assigned 3 employees to support the case.
This allowed, in a period of about 2 weeks:
  1. To perform a visit to the warehouse and conduct a short risk analysis (Risk Assessment)
    As a result, a number of critical vulnerabilities were identified regarding access to storage facilities.
    • the inspectors managed to enter the closed territory without a ID check by the guards,
    • access to the warehouse territory was possible from the side of the adjacent room, which has a common non-continuous wall with the warehouse
  2. To examine video recordings (more than 40 hours of recording)
    As part of the study, specific instances of theft were identified. The products, without authorization, were taken out of the warehouse by a company employee.
    The chain of actions was as follows:
    • An employee arrives at the warehouse in his car early in the morning, at 4-5am.
    • He enters the warehouse unauthorized
    • Once in the warehouse, he takes a cart, opens his smartphone and then walks along the shelves with products, transferring the stored products to the cart, focusing on the list from the phone
    • Then he puts the stolen products into his backpack, takes it out of the warehouse, puts it in the trunk of his car, and then returns to the office premises, which are located in the neighborhood, and begins his working day.
    At the same time, it was noted that surveillance installation cost the company a significant amount, but its effectiveness could not be estimated above 20-30%: several cameras did not function, several of the working cameras did not cover the intended areas. Moreover, the transfer of materials by the company's security service was carried out with serious difficulties - the files were duplicated, a number of files were missing, the data was transmitted with a long delay.
  3. To conduct interviews with several employees, making it possible to outline a list of people within the company who could be involved in the criminal scheme.
  4. Using the codes on the packages, to organize the monitoring of a number of points of sale of specified products. A list of objects potentially involved in the sale of stolen products was also compiled.
  5. By monitoring social networks, to identify the current residence address of the malicious employee, which was not indicated by him when he applied for the job.
All collected information was transferred to the Department of Economic Crimes of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The police promptly opened a case based on this data, and an investigation was carried out in a short time.
The offender was sentenced to imprisonment for two years (suspended sentence), and all previously identified participants in the criminal scheme were dismissed from the company.
Vlasta-Consulting proposed recommendations for eliminating vulnerabilities in the security system, which made it possible to radically increase the level of security based on the existing infrastructure.
With this implementation and the successful completion of the investigation, cases of theft in the warehouse ceased.